Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Attempting to Quit

Since this has become a huge issue to my health, to quit smoking seems reasonable. Now why would someone who has emphysema even consider committing to cessation of cigarettes?
I travel for 1 1/2 hrs to get to my Pulmonary doctors only to have them tell me in the best interest of breathing capacity would be to STOP now! In fact, for a more honest documentary would be to say this has been going on for the past five years. I realize, I impact the non smokers lungs with the inhalation of my second hand smoke. Thereby, they would die of Lung Cancer and I would consider myself a lucky person. The luck of the draw. So, Why cant I make this commitment for myself and the health of others? I'm weak, I don't understand, I am ignorant. Which is it? I ask myself every day. Is this like a death sentence? Will I perhaps go suicidal? My! sounds like an awful lot of frustration here? At least I can say it out loud and that may be a step forward. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.

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